AGE UK Bradford District is staging a series of events to celebrate Silver Sunday.

Activities are being held at each of its six community hubs, including the Keighley site.

A coffee morning with extended Remember When group takes place at the Keighley hub, in the Airedale Shopping Centre, on Tuesday, October 8, between 10am and noon.

Nicola Wilson, head of operations at Age UK Bradford District, says: "We're looking forward to hosting a selection of activities for older people to mark Silver Sunday.

"The hub teams have done a fantastic job arranging extra events and embracing the initiative.

"The various activities planned include coffee mornings, games and quizzes. It is also an opportunity for people to access information about the vital work the hubs do, and find out more about the groups and services on offer."

For more about Age UK Bradford District, visit

Silver Sunday itself, a national day for older people, is on October 6.

The venture is held annually, with a range of free activities across the UK.

Conceived in 2012, it was run by the Sir Simon Milton Foundation but is now headed up by Age UK.

Further information can be found at