A CHARITY which supports Airedale Hospital has marked a milestone – and paid tribute to its volunteers.

The Friends of Airedale staged its annual general meeting, and there was a performance from pop-opera soprano Nicola Mills.

Plus, long-service awards were presented to 40 volunteers.

The event, held at Glusburn Community and Arts Centre, marked 55 years since the opening of the first Friends of Airedale shop in the hospital’s main entrance.

As well as undertaking various roles within the Steeton hospital and in the community, the Friends also raise money for equipment to benefit patients and visitors.

Charity chair, Alison Dixon, says: "More than half a century of service to the hospital is something worth celebrating.

"It’s hard to put a figure on the amount volunteers have raised during that time, but it runs into millions. In the past 10 years alone, we have raised over £2 million."

The AGM heard that revenue from the Friends' two shops had increased, from £474,435 in 2023 to £568,428 this year.

In addition to running the shops, volunteers operate cafes and a ward trolley service, act as hospital guides, provide a dignity room clothing service and – in the summer – hold monthly car boot sales.

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust deputy chief nurse, Sajan Sathyan, gave a vote of thanks to the volunteers.

He said: "Every day when I come in to work at the hospital, the first thing I see are the Friends of Airedale volunteers in the shops. It’s the same for visitors – a great contribution and one which is much valued."

Volunteers who together have clocked up around 450 years' service – described at the event as a "phenomenal achievement" – received certificates honouring their commitment.

Award recipients were: 30 years – Michael Cluett, Kath Egan and David Petyt; 25 years – Carole Smithies and Mary Wade; 20 years – Jenny Crompton, Carol Hughes, Sadie Moffat, Julie Newbold, Christine Roberts and Allan Robinson; 15 years – Derek Chapman; 10 years – Paul Bryden, Nicola Feather, Elizabeth Garland, Rita Halstead, Omar Khan, Diane Webb and Pauline Wright; 5 years – Amy Ali, Jennifer Biagioni, Sue Chester, Marjorie Cox, Anne Falshaw, Mairi Foye, Brenda Frankland, Denise Haley, Val Hargreaves, Maurice Hatton, Freda Heaton, Stella Heffernan, Anne Higginson, Pat Jones, Susan Mallinson, Clare McDowell, Roy Murrell, David Pearson, Julia Shearer, Valerie Todd and John Woodhouse.

For more about the Friends, visit friendsofairedale.co.uk