AN event is being staged in Keighley to mark the republishing of an autobiography written by a Cowling-born Labour Party pioneer.

Britain’s Iron Chancellor: Philip Snowden, An Autobiography has been released to commemorate the centenary of the first Labour Government.

The book, originally penned by Snowden in 1934, has been edited by historian Alexander Clifford.

A free afternoon of talks and discussion – including a presentation on Snowden's career and readings from the book – takes place at Keighley Local Studies Library on Saturday, October 5, starting at 2.30pm.

There will be a panel discussion and question-and-answer session involving leading historians in the field – Andrew Thorpe, Keith Laybourn and Mr Clifford – plus book signings and refreshments.

Viscount Snowden was acclaimed as one of the most influential figures in early-20th-century British politics, and particularly in the early development of the Labour movement.

He served in various capacities, ranging from a Keighley councillor in 1899 to Chancellor of the Exchequer in the first two Labour governments.

He died in 1937.

A spokesperson for the book's publisher, Pen & Sword, says: “Philip Snowden was a proud Yorkshireman, a founding father of the Labour Party and its first Chancellor of the Exchequer."