FIREFIGHTERS have been called to automated fire alarms at the same high-rise block of flats in Keighley 49 times in less than six months.

The brigade is now working with the owner of the Keighley building to “educate” tenants to prevent future call-outs.

Details were revealed at the latest meeting of West Yorkshire Fire Authority.

The meeting heard an update on incidents and call-outs since April.

Members were told that although there had been a six per cent drop in false alarm call-outs across West Yorkshire, there was an eight per cent rise in Bradford district.

By comparison, there had been a six per cent drop in Leeds and a 21 per cent drop in Wakefield.

Scott Donegan, area manager with responsibility for prevention and response at West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, said the rise in false alarms in Bradford district was almost entirely down to issues at the one building.

The service has since confirmed that the building in question was Bentley Court, in Parkwood Rise.

The block was previously known as Delph House until it was refurbished and renamed by new owners in 2017.

Current West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service policy dictates that at least two fire engines and a watch manager should be sent out to each automated fire alarm at a high-rise building.

Mr Donegan told members: “The rise in call outs in Bradford is down to one property in the district – a high-rise block of flats in Keighley.

“We’ve been called out to 49 AFAs (automated fire alarms) since April.”

He told members the service was dealing with the building’s owners.

Councillor Fozia Shaheen asked if there had been “robust work” with the building’s owners to target the problem, adding: “Each time you go out, it is costing us as an authority.”

Mr Donegan confirmed the service worked with building owners to try to reduce the number of false alarms.

A spokesperson for Premier Estates, which runs Bentley Court, says: “We are working closely with West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, to provide resident guidance, and to ensure that fire safety systems in the building remain operational at all times.

“Resident safety is our absolute priority, as demonstrated by our approach to both routine and reactive maintenance at Bentley Court, and we are confident that the work we are doing, including ongoing education and engagement, will reduce the number of call-outs necessary.”