A BOOK of political cartoons by Alan Hardman is being launched in Keighley.

Mr Hardman and a group of friends had begun collating some of the cartoons before his death earlier this year.

Now the work appears in Need Not Greed, being launched at Central Hall, Alice Street, next Saturday (October 26), between 10am-noon.

Friend Steve Davison, of Keighley Trades Union Council, will give a welcome. Guest speaker will be Brian Ingham.

A light lunch will be served.

Mr Davison says: "Alan, who lived at Laycock for many years, was originally from a Barnsley coal mining family.

"He developed the skill of expressing his politics through cartoons, working for many years as a printer and cartoonist for the Militant newspaper.

"Alan's works were widely copied and used by Labour movement activists, with many putting up his drawings on union noticeboards.

"I believe Alan was unique in this field, expressing the thoughts of the changing times from the 1970s onwards.

"It's our aim to bring Alan's work to the attention of a new generation of workers, and hopefully inspire artists to keep alive the art of political cartoons."

To book a place at the launch, email jon.ingham@neednotgreed.com or call 07933 544077.