AIREDALE Hospital children's ward – Ward 17 – has blossomed in an annual contest.

It took top spot in this year's Friends of Airedale courtyard competition.

Judges praised the entry as a "truly charming and impactful garden that would engage and delight the ward’s young patients".

Gardening efforts on the ward have been led for around 15 years by senior healthcare support worker Lindsay Graham, who retires next month.

Tribute was also paid by judges to staff responsible for the children’s outpatient department garden area, and the electro medical team for its work to transform a courtyard. Both were highly commended.

The competition is organised by the Friends of Airedale charity, which provides grants each year to support entrants' efforts.

John Lofthouse, a Friends volunteer and chair of the judging panel, says: "We had a difficult time choosing an outright winner this year but the efforts of those involved in the children’s ward garden really won us over with its fairy enclave, clever landscaping and a path that takes you on a journey through a magic kingdom, complete with new illuminations."

Ward 17 received a £200 garden centre voucher, and a special outdoor clock for use in the courtyard area.