FEARS over a rise in fly-tipping following the closure of council tips were "unjustified", it's claimed.

A report to Keighley Area Committee showed the tonnage of litter and fly-tipped rubbish collected across Keighley and Ilkley in recent months by Bradford Council had dropped compared to the past two years.

The tonnage between April-August this year was 518, compared to 555 during the same period last year, and 670 in 2022.

Actual reports of fly-tipping have risen, but the area committee was told many were duplications relating to the same incident.

Councillor Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council's executive member for healthy people and places, says: "This report shows that the concerns about additional fly-tipping and littering as a result of the household waste recycling centre closures were unjustified.

"We'd ask residents to please continue to report incidences of fly-tipping, as we would rather be made aware of it twice than not at all. Fly-tipping can be reported on 01274 431000 or via bradford.gov.uk."

Area committee chair, Councillor Caroline Firth, says: "Councillors were keen to understand what, if any, impact the tip closures would have on fly-tipping figures. It was reassuring to see tonnage has not increased year-on-year and has in fact reduced."