I SENT two letters to the Keighley News last year, in August and September, regarding the Highfield area and Keighley town centre.

Since then I have seen an improvement in the removal of litter and weeds, and with flowerbeds that are being looked after by local people.

There are still areas that need improvement, especially where fly-tipping is concerned.

Councillors fought to keep the Keighley tip open, when the Sugden End site closed.

Fortunately, most people have access to a vehicle or a friend or family member who can help with the removal of heavy items of furniture.

Lots of local groups are helping with litter picks, and the gardener looking after Town Hall Square is doing an excellent job.

Come on 'Keighleyites'. Let’s have a town we can be proud of, and love where we live. 'Klean up Keighley' and 'Keep Keighley Klean'.

Katie Kelly, Keighley