A new health and wellbeing centre could be provided in Keighley within the next four years.

Health chiefs plan a major three-month consultation among townspeople and organisations early next year. People will be urged to think creatively about how to improve services across the entire Keighley area.

The proposed new centre would combine health care with health promotion and education.

It could bring together several agencies and, if necessary, be housed on more than one site.

Services could include family doctors, dentists, end-of-life care, physiotherapy and community nurses.

It could also house some of the outpatient, diagnostic and treatment services currently at Airedale Hospital.

It could also provide a home for voluntary groups and Bradford Council departments, including social services.

Plans for the new centre are being led by Bradford and Airedale Teaching Primary Care Trust, which oversees services such as GPs.

It is working with partners, including the existing Keighley Health Centre, on Oakworth Road, and Holycroft Surgery.

The trust hopes the new Health and Wellbeing Centre will be set up by 2012. The trust last month launched an initial consultation with organisations such as Keighley’s voluntary and community groups. It asked groups which local health services could be expanded and where they should be located.

The trust has commissioned Brainbox Research to carry out a broader consultation early next year and will also talk to GPs.

Information on how to pass on your view is available from 01274 237290 or bradfordairedale-pct.nhs.uk/.