Kathleen Miller Long Lee Methodist Church writes

Isaiah ch 11 v.6 - “And a little child shall lead them.”

What this tells us is that we all — whatever our age or condition — are equal in the sight of God.

Some years ago, at the Seattle Special Olympics, there was a race for youngsters who were physically or mentally disabled. This was the 100 yards dash and in readiness for it nine contestants came to the starting line.

At the gun they set off — all trying hard to run and win. But one little boy stumbled, tripped and fell. He sat there and started to cry. The others heard him, hesitated, looked back and then all of them turned around and went back. One little girl with Downs Syndrome went to the boy, gave him a kiss and said: “This will make it better. Come on, we’ll help you.”

Then all nine of them linked arms with the boy in the middle and walked happy and smiling to the finishing line. The best race ever — every child a champion — each one caring enough to help someone else win.

Years ago there was a poster displayed on hoardings which showed a lad with a sad bewildered expression on his face. Underneath was the caption, “What he needs is a good listening to”.

Very young children, from helpless babyhood onwards, put such trust in adults. They learn as they grow to follow our ways and imitate our behaviour — sometimes with disastrous results. There is so much we can learn from them. We can learn to listen to them — to consider their needs, their welfare, their wellbeing. How much better to let them teach us valuable lessons of patience, self-denial, understanding, gentleness, self- control.

Who would think that what was needed to transform and save the Earth might be a child — a baby sent to guide us — to show us how to live and love sent to show us God’s way of doing things? But so it was.

If we can learn that what matters more than us getting what we want, more than us winning — is helping others to run the race and win — then we shall see God’s Kingdom coming here on Earth.”

Time spent comforting a baby, listening to a child or teenager, befriending a lonely person, sharing confidences and helping dispel the fears and anxieties of another ... giving our time to others and forgetting ourselves. There is no better way to live our Christian life and this is what Jesus Christ came to Earth to teach us.