An Islamic perspective on “identity and citizenship” will be the subject of a forum in Highfield on Sunday evening.

The event is being organised by Keighley’s Abu Zahra Foundation.

A spokesman for the group, which aims to teach Islamic practices in ways relevant to Muslims in the West, said the event would take place at Victoria Primary School, Cartmel Road, from 6-8.30pm.

He added: “In times when the challenges facing the Muslim community have gained increasing prominence it has become imperative that there are forums where young Muslims can discuss these issues among themselves in a conducive environment. We must discuss the issues facing us, propose solutions, challenge our ideas and move forward together.”

The event will be led by the foundation’s resident scholar, Shaykh Idris Watts and Sadek Hamid, of the University of Chester.

Mr Hamid lectures on Muslim youth work and has written and spoken widely on issues relating to young British Muslims.

The forum will also include a buffet meal and refreshments.

Project manager Majid Hussain said the event would mainly target up to 50 Muslim men and women aged 18-35.

He said: “We want it to be as interactive as possible. Part of it will involve dealing with issues such as radicalisation, stereotyping and challenging extremist views.”

To attend contact Abu Zahra by emailing or phoning 07506 724582.