Silsden Town Council has brought the precept for an average band D property down from £13 to £8 with the overall precept for 2009/10 to be set at £24,000.

This was decided following a recommendation from the general purpose committee, which was unanimous in its decision.

l Cllr Elsmore proposed that the council voted in favour of planning development control function for minor items being delegated to parish councillors. This means that the town council could grant planning permission for minor changes or additions to properties.

At the moment planning consent resides with Bradford Council.

Cllr Elsmore said: “It would show we have more involvement with the local community and it coincides with the Government’s plans to give more autonomy to local councils. I think this is a good thing.”

The council agreed to tell the Yorkshire Local Councils Association it supported the idea.

l The town council agreed to pay approximately £140 towards the room hire costs of the town hall for Silsden gala committee’s next fundraising event.

It also agreed to donate £300 towards the Proms on the Farm, which takes place in the summer in aid of Manorlands hospice. And the council donated £300 to Silsden All Star Majorettes towards holding a contest. Silsden Youth Council also donated £400 to this cause.

l The council decided to buy a Yorkshire flag at the cost of £75.

l Cllr Elsmore asked Craven Ward councillor Andrew Mallinson if he could look into charges at the Wesley Place car park.

He said it had been brought to his attention that the ticket machine offered the first half an hour free and then 30p for the next hour, which should mean an hour and a half of parking for 30p.

But people paying their 30p were being given parking fines despite returning within the hour and a half.