A young car driver, who knocked a rider off his scooter, has admitted dangerous driving.

Bradford Crown Court last Thursday heard that Dwain Duffy intended to scare Andrew Mormile but committed an error of judgment and hit the scooter’s back wheel.

Prosecutor Richard Davies said Mr Mormile fell off but was not injured. Mr Davies said he had seen his uncle’s Escort car, which he had been told had been stolen, being driven in Coronation Way, Braithwaite, in January last year.

He followed it for a short distance but stopped when he recognised Duffy as the driver. He became aware the Escort was then following him.

Duffy pleaded guilty to dangerous driving on the basis he had not intended to hit the scooter but failed to stop.

In mitigation, Shufqat Khan said Duffy, a stone cutter of Coronation Way, was hardworking and the sole carer for his severely disabled father.

The judge, Recorder Peter Babb, sentenced him to a 12-month community order with supervision, ordered him to attend a responsible road users’ course and pay £229 costs and £200 compensation. Duffy was disqualified from driving for a year and will have to take an extended test.