Villagers are up in arms about a plan to introduce traffic calming measures at Holme Lane, between Sutton and Cross Hills.

A North Yorkshire County Council scheme to introduce six chicanes on Holme Lane, near Manse Way and Holme Close, has angered Jim Butterfield and other residents.

Mr Butterfield, 70, who said he was acting on behalf of fellow Holme Lane and Sheilings estate residents, has blasted the council’s proposal.

The road has a 20mph speed limit for a section, then goes up to 30mph for 600 yards and goes back down to 20mph.

The chicanes would be designed to slow people down but Mr Butterfield said the volume of traffic did not allow speeding.

Mr Butterfield said: “North Yorkshire want to spend all this money doing build-outs that aren’t needed when they could be spending money on repairing potholes and the general road structure.”

But North Yorkshire County Council area highways manager Chris Craven said: “Most of the money we get is from a Government grant that must be used to improve mobility for pedestrians and increase safety for all highway users. We can’t spend it for other purposes.”

Mr Craven also said although the scheme was a county council proposal, the idea to put in the chicanes — and a roadside footpath — was generated by people with an interest in the local area.

He said: “There was concern about speeding but people also wanted a footpath, primarily for children walking to school. In this case, the safety of pedestrians would have priority over car drivers and any congestion that would occur.”

Mr Butterfield, who owns Butterfield of Skipton Machinery Specialists, said he favoured installing a 20mph speed-activated sign and road markings but Mr Craven said the policy with such signs was to use them as little as possible to maintain their effectiveness.

The chicane proposal has also drawn fire from members of Sutton Parish Council, who voiced their disapproval of the scheme at their latest meeting.

“There is sufficient restriction on the road already,” said chairman Neil Whitaker.

“There are already three or four speed bumps at the top of Holme Lane coming out of Cross Hills and at the bottom of the road by the park the road narrows.

“We don’t feel that anything should be put in between because it will end up causing more problems.”

And district and parish councillor Ken Hart said the proposals were absolutely crazy.

“They should spend the money on maintaining what they have got — the roads around here are a disgrace,” he said.

The proposals are still out for consultation and a final decision has not been taken.