Four primary schools joined together to celebrate their environmental achievements.

Eastwood, Laycock, Long Lee and Our Lady of Victories schools have all attained the Silver Eco-Schools Award.

The accolade recognises schools which make caring for the environment a core part of school life.

And on Friday representatives gathered at Laycock to mark their “green” success.

Green Check — part of the environmental charity Groundwork — has been working with children, staff and parents at the schools to help them gain the internationally recognised award.

The project has been funded by United Utilities, West Yorkshire Grants and Toyota GB.

Green Check co-ordinator Katherine Myles said: “These schools have done a brilliant job in creating an ethos of sustainability and have made real progress on a range of environmental themes.

“Each school has an action team comprising pupils, staff and community representatives.

“The teams look at all sorts of issues, from dealing with waste to creating wildlife habitat, switching to ethical supply chains to reducing the amount of water and energy that is wasted.

“Friday’s event was an opportunity for the children to meet their ‘eco-team’ counterparts in neighbouring schools, celebrate their achievements and share their ideas for a greener future for Keighley schools.”

The event included an award presentation and planting of seedlings.

Two of the schools — Long Lee and Our Lady of Victories — are now applying for the coveted Green Flag Award, which symbolises excellence in the field.