First aid demonstrations and workshops on subjects such as smoking and Internet safety have formed part of a year eight health day at South Craven School.

The school’s personal, social and religious education department drafted in outside speakers to address students on other issues such as sexual health and anti-social behaviour.

For the first aid component, dummies were used to show the pupils how to conduct emergency resuscitation.

A spokesman for the school added: “The police, using volunteers wearing specially greased glasses, showed how your judgment can be poor when drunk and unable to focus properly.

“Sainsbury’s donated £40 worth of fresh fruit to the school and a barrow was set up so all the students had the opportunity to have a piece of fruit at break time.

“Two workshops were superbly organised by post 16 education students as part of their health and social care course. “Feedback from the students has been very positive. They enjoyed the chance to learn in a different way and took away many messages to think about.”