Two initiatives are currently setting a green agenda with a difference.

As opposed to some of the airy-fairy views and activities aimed at cutting greenhouse gases these ideas are practical and well worth an in-depth study.

This weekend will see an event which it is hoped will be the catalyst for the bid to make the area self-sufficient in vegetables by 2020.

A meeting will be told of the plan to re-build local food networks to help reduce CO2 emissions and make food supplies less vulnerable to high fuel costs.

It makes a great deal of sense, especially in these harsh economic times, to look at bringing back affordable food which is grown and sold locally.

The second plan is to look at harnessing the power of the River Worth and set up a hydro-electric power supply by combining the force of nature with modern green technology.

Once again, as those who went to a meeting to hear details agreed, it shows how forward thinking this area is. The town already has a history of quality engineering and with developments in technology it is a green dream which can become a reality.

Obviously, those involved are passionate in their beliefs about tackling global warming. What will not help these two excellent ideas to progress is if they become political issues and there must be no scaremongering about the future. It would be great to see them up and running long before 2020.