Pupils from Holy Family Catholic School were among a group of 88 students who took part in a special workshop in London.

They were asked to come up with creative ideas for new buildings at their schools.

The young people attend schools which are part of phase three of Bradford Council’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme.

The scheme should see all the district’s secondary schools refurbished or rebuilt. The “Joined up designs for schools” event was organised by the Sorrell Foundation, which aims to improve young people’s educational experience by including them in the designing of their own school buildings.

The London workshop included a guided walk along the South Bank to show the youngsters different styles of architecture.

They also enjoyed a bird’s eye view from the London Eye.

The pupils, who were mostly from years seven and eight, were asked to produce a design brief of their ideas for the architects working on schools in Keighley and Bradford.

The group of eight Holy Family pupils visited London alongside students from Belle Vue Boys and Girls, Thornton Grammar, St Bede’s and Laisterdyke schools.

Barry Grayburn, Bradford’s BSF project director, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for young people to express their views on how they would like their new schools to look and function and to spend a day exploring different design techniques.”

Councillor Michael Kelly, Bradford Council’s executive member for services to children and young people, said: “It’s important pupils are given the chance to have a say on their own school buildings and express how they would like different parts of the buildings improved.”