Schoolchildren from Keighley were on the ropes.

But they enjoyed their experience as it was part of a range of fun activities designed to keep them occupied during the half-term holiday.

The group of about 15 nine to 14-year-olds revelled in a day out at the High Adventure centre, in Cowling.

They negotiated rope courses and a climbing wall, tried their hand at abseiling and archery and navigated their way around an indoor labyrinth.

The facility’s director, Tim Ferguson, said: “It was a very busy day and the kids had a fantastic time.

“They really loved everything they did.”

The session was just one of a number of different activities laid on for half term by the Worth Valley Extended Schools cluster, which includes a dozen local primary and secondary schools. Other activities at different venues around Keighley included making and decorating felt animals, story telling, painting and sports.