A 22-year-old man is stable in hospital as detectives continue their probe into an incident in which two people were stabbed in Keighley town centre.

The man was operated on at Airedale Hospital yesterday for an injury caused by a bladed weapon.

Another 22-year-old man - who was also injured in the assault at Hanover Court, Hanover Street - is being treated in Bradford Royal Infirmary. His injuries are non-life threatening.

Airedale and North Bradford Police are continuing to question three men arrested in connection with the disturbance, which happened at 2.22pm yesterday in one of the busiest parts of the town. A police spokesman said the men, aged 30, 22 and 27, are from the Keighley area.

“Inquiries are ongoing and anyone who has information should contact CID on 0845 60 60 606,” he said.

The street was cordoned off for forensic officers to carry out a detailed search and it remained out of bounds to traffic until late yesterday.

Keighley MP Ann Cryer, a member of the Home Office select committee looking into knife crime, said: “This is an appalling thing. I feel sorry for their mums and dads. They will be horrified about what has happened.”