Motorists caught drink-driving in South Craven are being warned they face Christmas without their licence.

North Yorkshire Police have launched their annual festive campaign cracking down on alcohol and drugged-up drivers.

And in partnership with the Crown Prosecution Service, special fast-track courts have been put in place which could see offenders banned before Christmas.

Police officers will be targeting known hotspots in towns as well as remote rural areas where motorists think they could go undetected.

More patrols have been trained to carry out field impairment tests on anyone suspected of driving while unfit through drugs.

The public is being urged to support the campaign by “shopping” anyone it knows gets behind the wheel while over the drink-drive limit or after using drugs. People can phone Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111 with information.

Speaking at the campaign launch, Assistant Chief Constable Tim Madgwick said: “This year will see our commitment to road safety intensify as we push more resources into clamping down on drunk and drug driving.

“It is unacceptable at any time of year but during the festive season there is an increase in the number of people willing to take the risk — a risk which is simply not worth taking. At best you will lose your licence, possibly your job, at worst you could lose your life or kill someone else.”