A woman motorist was attacked as she sat at traffic lights in Keighley town centre.

The 23-year-old was spat at and punched through the open window of her car and an attempt was made to grab her keys.

Police said they were treating the incident - which happened at about 5pm on Saturday in North Street, at its junction with Bow Street - as racially motivated.

The attackers, a group of Asian men, hurled racial abuse at the woman.

Detective Inspector John Mountain, of Airedale and North Bradford CID, said: “This was a disturbing racial assault and attempted robbery on a young woman in her own car who was minding her own business and appears to have done nothing to provoke it.

“The attack happened at a busy time of the day in the town centre and I am appealing for anyone who saw what happened or may know the identities of some of this group to come forward.

“Fortunately incidents such as this are rare and I now appeal to residents from all sections of the community in Keighley to assist us in finding those responsible for this cowardly attack.”

The woman, who managed to close her window and drive away, was left shocked but not seriously injured.

Her assailants headed up Devonshire Street. The main aggressor is described as being in his late teens, 5ft 5ins tall, with brown eyes and of skinny build. He was wearing a plain grey hooded top.

Anyone with information should contact PC Al Towers at Airedale and North Bradford CID on 0845 60 60 606 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.