A new DVD has been made showing alleged drug dens in the Knowle Park area.

The short film also pictures young Keighley men alleged to be involved in drug activities.

The film has been produced by an anonymous film-maker in the style of a pop video.

The images are accompanied by the 1970s hit song I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day.

Copies of the film — entitled A Deadly Combination — have been given to the Keighley News and local police.

The film appears to condemn people who drive while under the influence of drugs and drink.

It shows satellite maps and photographs of several streets, mostly in the Knowle Park area of Keighley.

Locations said to be rife with taking and dealing include Victoria Road, Apsley Street, Rutland Street, Arcadia Street and the back of Malsis Road.

Also listed are the exterior of Lancaster and Merlin Court old people’s flats, Greengate Road, off Worth Way, Redcar Tarn and the Low Utley playing fields.

The film-maker has obtained close-up photographs of seven men — dubbed Chillaz — sitting in vehicles.

The pictures are accompanied by names, car models and registration numbers.

A spokesman for Airedale and North Bradford police confirmed it had been supplied with the DVD.

He said: “The DVD contains possible intelligence of drug taking, which is now being looked into.

“Police always welcome assistance from the public and would ask the sender to either contact the Keighley Neighbourhood Policing Team on 01535 617119 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

“Several operations are planned in relation to crime and driving while under the influence of substances in Keighley shortly and officers from the neighbourhood policing team are conducting extra high visibility patrols as part of a crime prevention operation.”