Motorists speeding through a village have been targeted in a Neighbourhood Police Day of Action.

Twelve drivers received £60 fixed penalty tickets and three points on their licences for travelling at 30mph through a 20mph zone in Stanbury.

Another motorist was also reported on a summons for speeding and a further driver received a fixed penalty ticket and three penalty points for failing to stop.

The action was spearheaded by the Worth Valley Neighbourhood Policing Team acting on issues which were raised by residents.

Worth Valley officers also paid a visit to a weekly residents’ meeting, where crime issues were highlighted. Councillor Glen Miller, who attended the meeting, said: “This is excellent partnership work. I hope that those motorists who received a fixed penalty ticket for speeding have learned a valuable lesson.”

Insp Andrew Croasdale, of the neighbourhood policing team, said: “It was specifically highlighted to us that rush hour was seen as the most problematic time.”

Sgt Mark Wheeler said: “Hopefully by issuing these penalty notices it sends out a clear message that we treat road safety in the village with the upmost importance.”

Further similar action is to be taken throughout the area.