Employ a full time creator of jobs

As a taxpayer to Bradford City Council and Keighley Town Council I understand that my taxes are a necessary evil.

I don’t really argue about the subject, I’ve no choice, but from time to time I wish those in charge of the money I give under protest would do something really positive for Keighley.

Can’t either council spend part of my taxes supporting a job-creation scheme within this town?

Bands and bunting under the guidance of Keighley Town Council are pleasant and the allotments are something to be proud of, but dear me we need jobs, lots of them to counter the rising unemployment we have.

To both councils, please don’t tell me nothing can be done. Redirect my taxes I and others pay to encourage firms to stay and others to put down permanent roots in the town.

Keighley has appointed a full-time charity fundraiser, a job I suggest which can only last so long.

Keighley needs a person, employed full time, by Bradford and Keighley to seek out companies to settle in this area, who with financial support I believe, would be more helpful than a few Christmas lights in the town, lovely of course, but we need a more lasting situation to cheer us all up.

John Baxandall

Laycock Lane, Laycock

Proud dad's tribute to daughter

I thought the piece last week about the double channel crossing was awesome and yes the young lady is a real hero.

I just wanted to throw a couple of my own out there. I know you are familiar with my 14- year-old daughter Chloe Hewitt’s six year fight with brain cancer which is still ongoing in New York City. Well a couple of weeks ago there was a kids fun run in Central Park to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House of NYC, which provides a home away from home for families of children going through cancer treatment in nearby hospitals.

Now Chloe has been through many rounds of chemo, radiation, stem cell rescues, blood transfusions, not to mention the several brain surgeries she has encountered. Obviously, these various treatments have a diverse effect on the patients wellbeing and certainly affect energy levels.

With all this in mind Chloe indicated she wanted to take part in the fun run if possible, we checked with her medical team at the hospital and they had no problem with her running.

Anyway the distance was only half a mile but to a kid fighting this killer it is a very long way.

Chloe completed the run with the help of a member of the Fire Department of New York who made sure she was okay during her run.

Obviously, I am biased being the proud dad but I think she did incredibly well considering what she has gone through and I believe the firefighter who escorted her — Jeff Campion — deserves a mention as well.

Steve Hewitt

New York

Views sought on Town Hall Square

Last year Keighley Town Council took over the maintenance and running of the Town Hall Square.

At the time the council received some complaints and criticism from members of the public regarding the removal of the roses and erection of fencing around the war memorial.

I did say then please wait until we have finished before passing judgment.

To all intents and purposes the job is now done. But we reserve the right to continue improving the area for the benefit of the people of Keighley.

I believe the square has been returned to its former glory and once again a place for peaceful deliberation and reflection.

Your views on the transformation would be greatly appreciated. If you have any comments, positive or negative, please contact the town clerk on 01535 618253 or call in to the Town Hall and ask for Mrs Bailey.

Cllr Brian Morris

Chairman of Allotments and Landscapes

Christmas greetings from Manorlands

On behalf of all the staff and patients at Sue Ryder Care — Manorlands hospice we would like to sincerely thank our local communities for their support during 2009, our 35th anniversary year.

We launched our Anniversary Appeal earlier in the year with the aim of raising £1.3million to help with our running costs and to fund a refurbishment of the hospice. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, our appeal currently stands at £900,000.

The refurbishment is a little behind schedule so that gives us the opportunity to extend our appeal into 2010.

Anyone wishing to support us can contact the fundraising office on 01535 640430 or email Manorlands.fundraising@suerydercare.org May we wish everyone a peaceful Christmas and New Year and our sincere thanks again for your ongoing support.

Jodie Shepherd

Area Fundraising Manager, Sue Ryder Care - Manorlands Hospice

Four hour plus wait for pharmacy items

Having read the article on page 29 of the KN and also the fact that I have just two weeks ago had a knee replacement at Airedale, I am puzzled as to how the “Newly-streamlined hospital pharmacy” obtained this accolade.

The doctors, nurses and ward staff were fantastic, their consideration, dedication to duty and unselfish attitude in helping patients prepare for surgery and the after-care once back on the ward was second to none.

However, on the Monday I was given the all clear to go home and only required medication from the pharmacy.

I sat dressed from 10.30am until 3pm — four-and-a-half hours. Only then and after several phone calls did the items arrive.

From staff and other patients I was informed this was the norm for releases on Mondays and Fridays.

The pharmacy might have accolades for cleanliness etc but for efficiency no-way, no-how. Someone certainly needs to be taken to task and perhaps bring the waiting time down to say three hours.

Brian Rodgers Ex-Ward 9 Patient