Each time we take to the roads the odds are that a number of fellow users will be driving without insurance. The current levels of people who are prepared to take the risk sends a shiver down the spine of all responsible citizens.

Thanks to technology and a determination to stop this menace, the chances of these uninsured drivers being caught have greatly increased. In some respects it is worrying that £300,000 has been spent on another camera network watching over our movements.

But any “big brother” concerns over the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera network are outweighed by the need to catch and punish offending drivers. You don’t need to be a genius to work out the consequences of being involved in an accident with an uninsured driver.

As the full ANPR network is turned on there is one aspect which is worthy of deeper consideration — the punishment. It is great that their cars are being seized and if below a certain value crushed; or auctioned off to raise money for other initiatives.

However, looking through the court lists the fines for driving without insurance seem pitiful compared with the potential seriousness of the crime. It has to be accepted that the ability to pay has to be factored in by the courts — but surely there are other sentences the courts can hand down to reflect public concern.

After all, responsible road users are paying through the nose because of the criminal activities of a growing number of others.