'Santa' sends a thank-you message

May I, Lions’ president Cyril Isherwood, take this opportunity to thank the public for their wonderful support and for the delight of hundreds of children who came to visit “Santa” at Stephen Smith’s Garden Centre, who provided gift wrapped presents to whom there should be a very big, big thank you, all at their expense.

May I also thank the great help and kind assistance of Colin Appleyard’s in towing the Lions’ Santa sleigh.

To everyone may I wish you a happy and successful new year.

Cyril Isherwood

Give something back in New Year

As we approach the threshold of a new year and decade, I challenge people to take ownership in their local communities and give the time and energy required to improve our quality of life.

There are many voluntary groups catering for all ages and interests who are desperate for people to offer assistance — you don’t necessarily need to part with money just your commitment to help.

Too often nowadays we read/hear negative stories about local problems regarding lack of respect for others but it is all too easy to shut yourself in behind your front door and let others try to make the difference.

Recently, I experienced an example of what a difference a small gesture can make when Skipton Properties came to my rescue by providing lighting equipment to help the Carols around the Tree, in Cross Roads. Even though the construction industry is, like many other trades, struggling with the economic crisis they still came up trumps and on behalf of those who attended I would like to offer them our sincere thanks.

Let us all take the opportunity of a new year to give something back and make the area a better place to live.

Mark Pullen

Thorn Street, Haworth

Sentence must fit severity of the crime

For Raheem Naawaz to receive any sentence less than even 25 years plus for the attempted murder of Sarah Wade is a victory for the so called do gooders and the lunatic left, who regard dangerous criminals as victims of society rather than violent criminals who should be locked up indefinitely My heart goes out to Sarah who will have to live with this trauma for the rest of her life, not just a few years, and not forgetting her family.

Our thanks must go to all the staff at Airedale who, through expertise and dedication, saved this lady’s life.

We are being told again that this type of “attack is exceptionally rare”, if we want to believe it. But after two attacks on this same street recently, one must now make a risk assessment before one ventures out.

As a person who has issues with the return of capital punishment, I cannot help think that the lobby for its return may have a valid point.

Ron Beale

Ridgemount Road, Riddlesden

Kindhearts of West Lane praised

I wish to thank the residents of West Lane for their help and kindness after mine and several other vehicles were involved in accidents there due to the adverse weather conditions.

Thanks to Kevin and his family for caring for my passenger; to Carolyn who rang the emergency services; to Mr Porter and all the other neighbours.

Jackie Town

Malsis Road, Keighley

Teamwork made Christmas happen

Keighley people who heard on BBC Radio Leeds and have seen this week, in the T&A, headlines that imply one women saved Keighley children’s Christmas must be aware that this headline was misleading, no one person, on one day could save Christmas for over 300 children.

Christmas was made kinder for over 170 families in Keighley when they did receive wrapped presents and food parcels on Christmas Eve. We just want to express a sincere thank you, to those who assisted with the planning, preparation and distribution throughout 2009 for this project.

All that was achieved on Christmas Eve was only made possible by the planning and hard work of the Salvation Army development manager, Mrs Chris Bown; by donations of money, food and toys from the general public, local business, schools and churches in and around Keighley; by the hard work of a large “army” of volunteers who gave their time during this busy season and, by those who responded on the day when we thought we might be defeated by the bad weather.

The Salvation Army is very privileged to have an excellent team of volunteers who help throughout the year, not just at Christmas, and many work consistently with no real recognition and I would like to publicly record my thanks and gratitude for all they do and achieve in Keighley.

Kenneth Gardner Captain

Alison Gardner - Major

Keighley Salvation Army

'Dog muck' was an extra snow hazard

I would like to thank dog owners of Oxenhope and Haworth for providing an extra hazard to pedestrians in addition to the recent snow and ice — that of dog muck.

It seems that the arrival of snow brought with it a unanimous decision to stop cleaning up after your dogs, instead leaving slippery, snowy surfaces covered with smelly messes of varying size, colour and texture. I have never seen so much dog mess in my life as in the past week. Come on people, show a bit of responsibility and pride in the place you live and start the New Year as you mean to go on - cleaning up after your dog.

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