Steeton Male Voice Choir has launched a major recruitment campaign that aims to reach every household within ten miles of the village.

The award-winning choir wants to introduce more men to the delights of singing in harmony amid the voices of about 60 others.

Members have arranged to deliver 85,000 leaflets to homes across Keighley, the Aire Valley and Craven this month.

They are inviting all men to an open evening at their rehearsal room at Steeton Methodist Church on Monday, September 24.

The hope is that many will go on to attend regular Monday rehearsals and provide a strong basis for the choir’s future growth.

Choir publicity officer Eric Parker said membership was currently in a healthy state but a constant supply of new members was needed.

He said: “We are a large choir but we have ambitions to be one of the best in the country. We believe there are many men out there who are missing out on a great experience.

“You do not have to be a Pavarotti, or even need to be able to read music.

“All that is needed is the ability to sing in tune, enthusiasm and a willingness to learn.

“Though some choir members do read music, many don’t, and that doesn’t matter as all pieces are learnt note by note.”

Mr Parker said new members would receive tapes or computer disks to learn from, and would each be supported by a designated member of the choir.

He said the new members would gain new friends, learn new skills and have a great experience.

He said: “To be one of 60-odd voices singing one of the great Welsh hymns at full throttle is one of the great experiences not just in music but in life.”

To find more details or book a place at the open evening, contact 0333 990 0124 or e-mail recruitment@steetonmvc.