Traffic lights have been operating for ten months on a village road, with no sign of work being carried out.

Now three councillors, Glen Miller, Rebecca Poulsen and Russell Brown, have joined forces to question the length of time it is taking to repair a wall at Little Brook, Oldfield.

Russell Brown said: “Traffic lights have been in place for ten months now with no sign of any repair being carried out.”

This week Bradford Council Principal Engineer John Anderson said: “Work to repair the wall at Little Brook was delayed because we had to prioritise structural repairs on Glen Lee Lane, which was closed to traffic.

“Now that work has been completed we are about to appoint contractors to start work on the Little Brook wall.

“We hope to appoint them as soon as possible and the project will begin before the end of this financial year.”

Local resident Barry Hedges said, “This area has been like this for a long time and people are ignoring the traffic light system which has been put into place.

“I am sure I would be concerned to find out the cost of the hire of these traffic lights if they were working 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I would not mind but local residents continually have to ring up to say that they are not working.”

Coun Miller said: “Not only has this taken an awful long time but it also concerns me as an environmental issue. Diesel stains are leaking and oils etc appear to be going downhill towards the local watercourse.

“This does give me concerns on health and safety and pollution grounds.”

Another local resident, Mrs Betty Brown said: “If there is no danger, then why has the road been cordoned off with cones?

“It looks like the land is slipping away to me and I worry, as we are getting a lot of school minibuses fully laden with children on this road.”

Rebecca Poulsen said: “I have empathy with the local residents, this has gone on long enough.

“The Labour-led Bradford Council needs to address these issues as a matter of urgency.”