A Haworth councillor and former journalist has written a book about what former rugby league players are doing now that their playing career has ended.

John Huxley (left), who also worked as a press officer for the RFL from 1999 to 2006, has published a book titled Where Are They Now - The Rugby League Years.

The Manchester born 60-year-old, who has been a councillor for Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury since 2002, said the writing and research took him six months to complete.

Huxley, who described himself as an enthusiastic amateur player in his youth, has already written a couple of Challenge Cup Final books and has also published entry level guidebooks to rugby league.

In writing Where Are They Now, Huxley said he drew up a list of 150 former players and contacted them about their current situation.

Huxley said: "I revived quite a few friendships and discovered some sad, happy and interesting stories.

"One guy was a millionaire while another had been so badly knocked around in the game that his knees were shot and he couldn't walk.

"It was interesting to see how people's careers had developed. I also found out that quite a few former players don't even go to matches as spectators."

He said that some players have moved on to play other sports, including golf and football.

One of the players included in the book is former Keighley Cougar Trevor Skerrett, who he said was one of those players who defied the odds to play on.

Also included in the book is former Cougars coach Phil Larder.

l The 154-page book, which was released by YFP Publishing at the end November, costs £9.99.