Dougie Lampkin of Silsden, completed his eight-year term with the Spanish/Japanese squad at Repsol Montesa HRC with a solid runner-up spot behind his young team-mate Toni Bou at the International Invitation Indoor Trial at Sheffield on Saturday.

Lampkin, making his last ever ride aboard the factory four stroke, did not disappoint his large home crowd as they witnessed him complete an important chapter in his sporting career with some style.

Although come the finish Lampkin had no answer to the all conquering Bou, who had an excellent ride on the night, the 31-year-old British hero played his part in a great evening of highly competitive entertainment.

Showing no nerves or emotion despite the enormity and importance of the occasion, Lampkin matched Bou blow for blow during a tense opening lap.

With Adam Raga's performance limited by a hand injury sustained during a practice crash the day before, that would later force him to retire, it was left to the third member of the Repsol team Takahisa Fujinami to keep the pressure on both Lampkin and Bou.

Only a tie-breaker race could decide who would have the advantage of riding last during the second and final lap, as both Bou and Lampkin completed the first tour totally unpenalised.

It was the young Spanish rider who gained this honour, and he used it to his full benefit as he gave the audience and his rivals a dazzling display of pure brilliance.

Despite this Lampkin was anything but outclassed, and produced some of his old magic to confirm that he remains a real contender and threat to his younger counterparts, with the start of the new season looming fast.

Delighted with his performance, Lampkin said: "I am so glad I have been able to close my time at Montesa with a good result, as after eight great years and four world championships it would have been sad to have finished on a low note, especially in front of so many home fans.

"Once again I would like to thank all the team for their fantastic support over this long period, and I would also like to give a special mention to Amos Bilbao for the important part he has played in my success.

"Finally I would like to take this chance, to wish everyone all the best for the New Year, and hope it proves to be one for all of us to remember."

Lampkin's next event will be held on Friday, January 18, where he will take part in the first round of the World Indoor Championships in Marseille, France. The event will mark Lampkin's first ride for Beta in the new year.

l Liam Walker entered the Lions Den' at Howden Wood in Silsden, on Boxing Day, to take on a brace of Lampkins, a troupe of Hemingways, and what seemed at the time, just about all the Repsol Beta pilots in Yorkshire plus Team Pearson, Chris and Tim, who managed to escape' from north Derbyshire, with their parents and a pair Sherco machines.

Walker did the job in style on the lone Gas Gas at the sharp end with a classy ride to sink the Beta armada.

Bingley rider Martin Crosswaite. had to retire from the event after a tree branch hit his eye.