This week I'm going to have to talk about the story just to the left of this column, headlined Teams pull out of league'. This seems to be a bit of an ongoing problem in the Pennine League, as teams struggle to field a full side to fulfil their fixtures.

Three teams pulled out of the league on Monday, while one other did so earlier in this season.

Fortunately only one of those teams, Moldgreen A, had an impact on our local clubs in Keighley and the surrounding area.

Second teams for Keighley Albion and Keighley Town both play in Division Five, and Albion's 62-2 win against Moldgreen on October 6 had to be expunged. Fortunately Town had yet to play them.

The fact that four teams have already pulled out of the league this season highlights the one of main problems teams are having - how to fulfil their fixtures when they don't have a full squad playing, or have nobody available on the bench.

This puts a lot of stress on the squad that these clubs put out on the field. When a team enters a game without a full quota of players, they start at an automatic disadvantage. Then if a player gets injured, they often soldier on which shows a lot of courage but of course this does the injury no good.

Keighley Town's second team coach Gary Baker recently told me that they always field a team, even though they may not have a full squad. This allows them to avoid a penalty points deduction.

Silsden Park Rangers are always struggling for players. Last week they started with 12 players for their game against Brighouse but injuries soon reduced them to ten.

These teams, as well as others like Cowling Harlequins, need players. Let's give them the support they need!