A talented young disabled horsewoman from Glusburn is celebrating the end of a remarkable year.

2007 saw Kathryn Wheelock achieve the honour of being Ireland's most successful rider and further her dream of reaching this year's Beijing Paralympics.

The 14th ranked rider was also named runner-up to Danielle Brown, of Lothersdale, in the BBC Yorkshire Sports Awards for disabled sports people.

Mum Jan Wheelock said: "Kathryn's major ambition for 2007 was to represent Ireland and be successful at the World Para Dressage Championships in Hartpury, Gloucestershire. She certainly did this and came away as Ireland's most successful rider."

In the summer she spent ten days in Beijing with the Paralympic Council of Ireland to see how the athletes responded to the very different conditions.

"They were monitored and then supported through feedback sessions to maintain and improve their results. Kathryn proved that although she is small she is also tough and determined," said Jan.

The end of the year saw Kathryn placed third in her grade at the British Dressage National Finals and also invited to the Yorkshire Sports Personality of the Year awards at Barnsley. Now, Kathryn, who looks after her five horses almost single-handedly, has new horse, Taurus III to get used to.

Jan said it was hoped that Trevor, as he is known at home, would take Kathryn to the Paralympic Games.

"Kathryn's achievements, skill and determination mean that her chance of a place representing Ireland in Hong Kong at the Paralympic Games is still high on the agenda and still may become the ultimate dream come true," she said.