The second sportKeighley Olympic Fund Dinner on Friday, April 25, at the Holy Family School, has received a tremendous boost with the confirmed attendance of former Government Director of Communications and Strategy Alistair Campbell as guest speaker.

Campbell, who recently published his diaries chronicling "The Blair Years", was born in Keighley in 1957.

He graduated from Cambridge University and became press secretary to Tony Blair when the latter became leader of the Labour Party and then worked as official spokesman from 1994 to 2003.

His interests include running, triathlon, bagpipes and Burnley Football Club. He will give his views on how the "big game" can be informed by small players that comprise the majority of the sportKeighley partnership.

The event is the second sportKeighley Olympic Fund Dinner which aims to raise funds to help local aspiring and likely Olympians in the build up to London 2012.

Tickets will be on sale in February and details will be posted on the sportKeighley website