A Silsden teenager will represent Skipton Fencing Club at an England Fencing's "Tomorrow's Achievers" international competition in Poland.

James Loryman, 14, will compete using his preferred weapon, the epee, at the Tomorrow's Achievers event in Poland in March.

James, who has been fencing for about five years, was a quarter-finalist at the recent British Youth Championships.

His mum, Alison Loryman, said: "We're really chuffed he's doing so well."

Alison said James' fencing takes up a lot of time as the family travels with him all over the country, but they do not mind as Skipton Fencing Club provides a good atmosphere and is very welcoming to all of its members, which includes James' 16-year-old sister Hannah.

James' coach Jim Lockyer said that the Tomorrow's Achievers is a new programme designed to give young fencers the experience of competing abroad.

"It's a stepping stone to the next stage - the Great Britain squad."