Ingrow Cricket Club has been inducted into the Upper Airedale Junior Cricket League at its 2008 AGM at Cononley Cricket Club.

Ingrow CC secretary Trevor Halstead said that the club has formed an Under-15s team, which will be the first to represent the club at the junior level in ten years.

Ingrow has two senior teams playing in the Craven & District Cricket League. The club joined the league from the Bradford Central League in 2000.

Halstead said the junior team represents the future of the club, who he added have struggled without a junior set-up in place.

* During the AGM, UAJCL president Michard Smith welcomed everyone and referred to a marvellous outcome of yet another record year despite the atrocious weather during the 2007 summer.

Secretary Derek Hurren gave an analysis of the league's 2007 progress with 25 clubs embracing 67 teams.

There was a further 11 per cent increase in the number of players registered.

The league went on to complete a fourth consecutive record year of 371 fixtures including 48 cup ties.

Treasurer David Allen was able to report his first year as break even' retaining a healthy bank balance.

Significantly the league has provided assistance with funding of training for 20 coaches and has made donation to the West Yorkshire Womens & Girls Cricket Association.

Fixtures secretary Terry Thompson explained that the prolonged rain had led to abandonment of 107 matches, of which 39 were re-played.

The worst hit were Upper Wharfedale who suffered 21 times.

All league officials were re-elected before Ingrow CC were unanimously welcomed into the league as new members.

A few new administrative rules were adopted in preparation for the forthcoming season.

Finally clubs gave their provisional indications for Team Entry in 2008.

The phenomenal growth of the league in the last four years has not yet been exhausted as 11 clubs have outlined expansion plans for 2008.

In the Keighley area, Crossflatts, Haworth, Haworth West End in addition to new side Ingrow have plans and in South Craven, Cowling, Sutton, Steeton and Silsden also will see further development. Further afield Gargrave and Pendle Forest continue to expand.