As the new season approaches the problem for local cricket, is as usual a shortage of umpires.

This year the Mewies Solicitors Craven and District Cricket League is at crisis point.

Four of last year's panel umpires have already stated they will not be available, and this will put a strain on matches being staffed by an already stretched squad of umpires.

All clubs in the league are asked to provide at least one umpire for the umpire's panel but some clubs are not fulfilling this obligation.

League officials every year make an appeal for more umpires to come forward and unfortunately this is not happening.

In an ideal world retiring players who have enjoyed their time in the league would consider putting something back into the local game by taking up umpiring. Again this has not been happening.

"People won't put back into the game what they got out of it," said league umpire's secretary Trevor Halstead.

So in a desperate attempt to attract new umpires, the league's officials are appealing for anyone to come forward and join the Craven and District Umpires Association.

Anyone interested in becoming an umpire should contact Trevor Halstead on 01535 664713.