I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Newcastle United - going back to the days when Paul Gascoigne first emerged in the famous black and white stripes.

So it's been sad to see the club's decline in recent years. And unless I'm proved wrong, I can't see it getting much better even though King Kev' has returned.

And just when you thought the North East soap opera couldn't get any more unbelievable - up pops a certain Mr Dennis Wise!

The man who Alex Ferguson said could start a fight in an empty house' strikes me as an extremely odd choice to be executive director' at St James' Park.

Apparently his remit includes scouting for new players and developing the youth set-up?

I'm just wondering what his track record is for this sort of a role?

Newcastle's far from publicity-shy chairman has been extremely vocal about wanting to turn Newcastle United into one of the game's genuine big-hitters.

Out of all the names up for this sort of job at St James', was this really a Wise' choice? I think not!

* After nearly five years or so of being your stand-in sports editor, I'm off to pastures new.

As I've found here - and with other sports reporting jobs in the past - just when you think you've seen or heard it all, along comes a new one.

I think paraglider stops play' must count as one of the more unusual headlines I've had to write - and I've written quite a few.

The Keighley district is far from dull, I'll give it that!

Although I'm doing the unthinkable and moving south, I'll definitely take with me some fond memories of my time with the KN.