In preparation for the 2008 season Haworth Cricket Club have senior and U-17s indoor nets booked for Monday evenings from 7.45pm to 8.45pm at Parkside School Sports Hall, with both nets in use until Monday, March 17.

All senior players and potential U-17 players are welcome and the cost will be £2 each per week.

The younger players don't miss out either as their junior Indoor nets are at Oakbank Recreation Centre on Sundays from 2.30pm to 3.30pm, beginning on Sunday, February 10, and running for eight weeks.

As Haworth CC is expanding its junior section, there are now two more qualified coaches helping with the junior sides, which includes the newly reinstated U-15's side as well as continuing the U-13's team.

The club is looking for young players to boost the U-13s for 2008. They also need players to help make up an U-15's side.

Any youngster, including both girls and boys, wishing to play for Haworth CC in 2008 who qualifies for either of these sides but who is also aged 11 or older now, is welcome to contact assistant junior coach Kath Gower on 01535 642965.

Anyone younger than 11 is welcome to join the training once the club begins training outside at the start of April.

Haworth CC is also once again participating in the national NatWest Cricket Force weekend.

On Saturday, April 5, helpers at Haworth CC will be painting, cutting, trimming or hammering anything that doesn't move! A free lunch and T-shirt is promised in return!

All the effort is in preparation for the 2008 season, but it also enables the club to repair and replace anything that needs it!

Offers of materials (mostly wood) to repair a ramp at the ground are welcome!

Contact Kath on 01535 642965 if you can help with effort or materials!