There continues to be a fantastic response to the Keighley BIGK 10K challenge on Sunday, March 16, in aid of the Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice in Oxenhope.

Many runners and walkers of all standards have returned their entry forms and many groups and organisations are throwing their resources behind the event.

Sponsorship and support is coming from, among others, the Keighley News, Bradford & Airedale Teaching Primary Care Trust, Keigh-ley Area Committee, Keighley Town Council, Royal Spring Mineral Water, Sainsburys and the Bradford District Faiths Forum.

Entry forms and sponsorship forms can be found at Forms and entry fees should be returned direct to Manorlands at Oxenhope (address on the entry form) along with a 9 x 6" SAE for your event number and information, which will be sent out later in February.

There have been slight changes to the planned run route after consultation with the police and key bodies in order to avoid areas that are currently under repair or need further maintenance work.

More details about the event and the unique route will be posted on the sportKeighley website in the near future.

Plans are under way for the Sport Relief BIGK Mile event at Victoria Park and mile events at Lund Park and Highfield on the same day. There will also be additional mile and Sport Relief events at Greenhead and Oakbank Schools in the week preceding March 16.

For those training for the event Keighley & Craven AC is making all potential participants welcome at club nights at Greenhead School in Keighley on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6.30pm.

For those who are already "more-or-less"up for the distance the Wednesday evening social run from Belton Road in Silsden at 6.45pm covers seven miles at a steady pace with regular stops so that no-one gets left behind. See for more information.

Another useful source of training advice can be found at - look at the "Big Beginner's Index"!

For further initial details of the BIGK 10K, or if you or your organisation is in a position to help (especially with route marshalling) or to sponsor the event, contact John Dennis on 07919 477861,