Keighley Jitsu Club were awarded a £10,000 grant by the Lottery Awards for All programme to purchase some new judo mats.

With this money the club were able to buy 180 mats, which has now enabled them to fully mat the main sports hall facilities they use at Holy Family School.

Club instructor Anthony Detoeuf said: "The hope is that with the great sports hall and the new equipment we will be able to help the club grow.

"In the future we have plans to turn the venue into a regional and national centre for our style of Ju Jitsu."

To coincide with the delivery of the new mats the club held a small inter-club competition between Keighley Jitsu Club, Baildon Jitsu Club and a number of new school and community centre clubs that have been set up around the Bradford district.

Detoeuf said: "It was a good turnout with around 50 juniors taking part. A number of the juniors from the Keighley Club were successful and came away with trophies.

"The Town Mayor also attended the event to officially hand over the cheque and see what the money had gone towards, how the club is contributing to the local community and what activities they offer for the children living in the area."

Money raised from this event will go toward the funding for transport to take the juniors to the next international championships in 2009 in the USA where they will be defending the title they won in 2006.

Keighley Jitsu Club trains at Holy Family School, Spring Gardens Lane, Keighley Tuesday from 6:45pm to 8:30pm, Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8pm and Saturday from 10am to noon.