An interesting weekend is in store for the Keighley Cougars as they play host to quality French side Toulouse.

It should be an interesting encounter for Barry Eaton and his men, and the head coach has said as much.

"It will be intriguing for the club and the players," Eaton said.

However, the game may not only be of interest to the locals, and the Cougars are hoping to draw in some neutral fans to watch Sunday's contest.

Cougars' general manager Helen Carter has been working her socks off to promote the game and Eaton shares her idea on the game's appeal to the casual observer.

He said: "It would be nice to get some neutrals down here on Sunday to take an interest in our matches against unknown opposition from over the water."

Although they might be slight underdogs, Eaton is confident of a getting a result.

I think the game will be a tight one that could go either way, although Toulouse's track record in the Challenge Cup is impressive (they reached the semi-finals in 2006).

Toulouse have a number of British ex-National League players in their squad along with some Australians.

And one current Cougar actually played against them last weekend.

Jason Dubias-Fisher is on loan at fellow French Elite Championship side Carpentras, who lost to Toulouse 36-20 at the weekend.

Eaton has contacted Carpentras and hopes to receive of DVD of the game that he can show to his players at training tomorrow night.

Regardless of how that turns out, the Cougars should be ready for Sunday's French revolution!