World champion Thai boxer Rachael Mackenzie met students at Oakbank Sports College last Friday as part of Sky Living For Sport, a national initiative organised to inspire young people through sport.

Mackenzie met a group of boys aged 11-14 to share with them her achievements and give a motivational talk before teaching them some Thai boxing skills.

Mackenzie is an athlete mentor, part of a team of champion sportspeople led by Olympic gold medallist and Sky Living For Sport Ambassador Darren Campbell, who visit schools across the country as part of Sky Living For Sport, to encourage young people aged 11 to 16 back into school life and to help them reach personal goals.

Sky Living For Sport is now in its fifth year, and has involved some 17,000 young people in over 600 schools in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Sky Living For Sport gives young people the opportunity to try a range of sporting activities, from archery to martial arts, while working toward personal targets to improve their performance in school. Schools involved receive a comprehensive package of support, including training for staff, resources for pupils, funding for activities and access to a pres-tigious awards programme.

Latest independent research on Sky Living For Sport, published in September 2007, conducted by the Institute of Youth Sport at Loughborough University, shows that participating pupils show improved behaviour and increased self-confidence.

Over 80 per cent of teachers report that their pupils have benefited from the project activities and almost all teachers thought that the athlete mentors had an influential and positive impact.

Mackenzie said: "Sport has changed the way I live my life. I am a lot more confident, positive and motivated. It has also given me the opportunity to meet a wide range of people and travel to places I would not have otherwise gone.

"I hope I can inspire young people to realise their goals and help them to understand that the skills you learn in sport can help you throughout your life."

Ben Stimson, Director of Re-sponsibility and Reputation, BSkyB, says: "Sky Living For Sport is gaining ground all the time and we are now seeing the benefits it is bringing to schools, teachers and students. The athlete mentors are such powerful role models for young people and we are delighted that Rachael has been able to join students and staff to motivate and enthuse all those involved."

Sue Campbell, Chair of the Youth Sport Trust, said: "I would like to congratulate both the students and staff at Oakbank for their enthusiasm and hard work in managing Sky Living For Sport.

"Rachael knows at first hand the commitment needed to successfully achieve a personal best, and I am sure she will be an influential role model to some of the students now taking part."

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