More than 320 starters toed the line in Victoria Park on Sunday morning for the inaugural Keighley BIGK 10K in aid of the Sue Ryder Care Centre at Manorlands in Oxenhope.

The overnight rain had cleared to leave a bright but chilly day and the runners and walkers were glad to be set on their way by the Mayor of Keighley, Councillor Brian Hudson, completing a lap of the park before setting out on the challenging multi-terrain route linking all four main parks in Keighley.

More than 60 marshals and helpers were distributed around the course to help and encourage the participants.

There was a tremendous atmosphere around the course, with additional events taking place at Lund Park and at Highfield.

The route had been cleared, tidied and repaired by Bradford Council and the Police and Raynet operated a rolling road closure programme to allow the faster runners unimpeded progress around the challenging ten kilometre course.

Meanwhile in Victoria Park the Sport Relief BIGK Mile event with over 150 participants got under way, with many youngsters completing three laps of the park route to complete their mile challenge. Hardier souls did nine or even 18 laps to complete three or six mile challenges respectively. Mile challenges in Lund Park and at Highfield also took place at the same time, coinciding with the 10K participants passing through.

Within minutes of the mile start at Victoria Park, Keighley & Craven's Will Smith appeared to complete the final loop of the BIGK 10K, finishing the event well clear in an excellent 34 minutes 13 seconds. He was followed by clubmates Adrian "Zip" Jones and Rob Shaw.

Will's partner, Helen Glover, completed a great day for the pair when she came in as first lady home in sixth place overall in 40 minutes 18 seconds. Helen helped Keighley & Craven complete a clean sweep in the ladies' event, with Elizabeth Tomes and Clare Stevens following up in second and third.

Full results are available on the sportKeighley website

Organiser John Dennis said: "It was a great K day all round! The organisers wish to thank everyone who helped out in such a positive way to make the day such a success."