A Bradley man who loves his football and in particular his local team Silsden AFC, has been applauded by a BBC radio show.

Sixty-year-old Jim Rosser, a retired Geography teacher, was recognised for the work he does with Silsden, where he is the PA announcer and committed club committee member. He also writes match reports for the Keighley News.

He earned the title of fan of the week on BBC Radio London's Non League Football Show after his experiences at the club were revealed in a recent book, Anoraknophobia written by Keighley's Rob Grillo.

Jim, who has also lived in Skipton and played in the Craven Football League for Bradley and Carleton, was modest about the recognition.

He said: "I was chuffed about it but it was a shock to me. There are loads of people in local football doing more than me."

Football is definitely in Jim's blood, as the man originally from Oldham said he was born at three o'clock on a Saturday afternoon. Although Oldham Athletic hold a special place in his heart, Jim loves his Cobbydalers.

There was never a dilemma this season when in the Boxing Day fixture Silsden visited Colne, the team Jim's son Michael now plays for - Jim proudly celebrated an excellent 3-1 win for Silsden.

Michael had previously played nine years for Silsden but when he moved to local rivals Colne, Jim could not switch allegiances he had to continue supporting his side.

Jim has followed Oldham Athletic closely over the years. He especially enjoyed their three years in the Premiership in the early 1990s when he travelled all over the country to watch them play. The highlight of his football life was seeing them in the League Cup final in 1990, despite Nottingham Forest winning 1-0.

Not only does know his football, his wife Margaret is pretty knowledgeable as well. Jim pointed out that in 1995 she coached the South Craven School junior side - featuring current Silsden player James Nettleton and former player Stewart Airdrie, who now plays for Barnoldswick Town - that won the Bradford Schools Cup.